Activities: Clubs & Organizations

This page has been prepared to assist and inform students of the wide range of extra-curricular, non-athletic activities offered at High Point Regional High School.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of the extra-curricular opportunities presented. By participating in these activities, students will enhance the education.
Extra-curricular activities are offered in the areas of literary, music, service and special interest. 


Calliope is High Point's award-winning literary/art magazine. The magazine is published once a year in the late spring. The staff meets every other Tuesday from September to December and every Tuesday from January to May. At meetings, members read and evaluate the poems and short stories that have been submitted for publication. Special meetings are also designated to brainstorm and vote on an overall theme, as well as chapter sub-themes. All students at High Point, including Calliope staff members, may submit their work. The staff members also evaluate all artwork and photography that has been submitted for publication. The final process allows the staff members to design the layout of the publication before the prototype is sent to the printer. There are many other jobs associated with Calliope aside from reading and evaluating written work. These tasks include, but are not limited to, typing, proofreading, promotion, and circulation. Any student in any grade may attend a meeting and decide if he/she would like to join the staff.
Club Website

The High Point yearbook is the Obelisk, named after the High Point Monument that can be seen from the front of the building. The staff is a mix of students from all four grades and it determines the theme for the year, selects and edits pictures and copy, and in general develops the look of the yearbook. The staff and advisors use the computer for layouts and copy materials. Students are also responsible for taking many of the candid photographs that appear in the yearbook. Meetings are held frequently throughout the school year and average three meetings a week. Regular attendance at meetings is essential with most staff members coming at least twice a week. Students also work during their study and lunch periods.
Club Website

The High Point Chamber Singers are a group of talented musicians from grades 9-12 who rehearse Monday evenings from 6-8pm during the school year. They prepare and perform a wide variety of choral music for the Candlelight Concert, the Spring Concert and many caroling events in December. The ensemble also travels and participates in a national music festival each year. This select group is chosen by audition, with the prerequisite of being an ongoing member of High Point's Choral program

Jazz Ensemble membership is generally selected from the Concert Band, but is open to any student, and instrumentation is limited. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings to accommodate students involved in other activities. The music performed is contemporary, big band, jazz and rock style.

The Marching Band is comprised of students who have musical experience. Membership includes school band performers, athletes and other interested students. Performances during the fall season include all football games. The Marching Band also performs in a district Memorial Day Parade. Practices are held Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings before football games.

All students are welcome to sing in our lunchtime choirs. These choirs rehearse during part of the lunch period. Students take the lead in choosing the songs and leading rehearsals and sometimes even in conducting. We perform at the Sussex County Teen Arts Festival and in the High Point auditorium. Contact Mrs. Dori Martin if interested.
[email protected].

Performing Arts

Auditions for the fall production are open to all students and will be held after school in early September. A mandatory drama meeting will be held prior to auditions to meet the directors, distribute audition material, and discuss the chosen play, characters, audition process, rehearsal schedule, student responsibilities and commitment, and performance dates. Rehearsals run approximately six-weeks with performances in late October, early November. Students interested in working backstage should attend a technical crew meeting in late September.

Auditions for the Spring Musical will be held in December and are open to all students. Once again, a mandatory meeting will occur in late November/early December to distribute audition material, and discuss the chosen musical, characters, audition process, rehearsal schedule, student responsibilities and commitment, and performance dates. Rehearsals are intense and, therefore, require a rehearsal span of approximately twelve weeks beginning in January. Performances will run in late March, early April. As stated previously, students who are interested in working backstage should attend the technical crew meeting in February.


Art Club will provide all students with the opportunity to enhance their artistic skill, imagination, creativity, and self-esteem. The goal of this club is to enable the exploration and expression of ingenuity outside regular art classes. Throughout the year, we will discover different areas of the artistic realm through a variety of workshops and lessons. Art club will include students who want to be leaders and those who are dedicated to community involvement. All art club students will have the opportunity to attend field trips sponsored by the Art Department. Art club meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month.


The Foreign Language National Honor Society (FLNHS) recognizes students who have continued to demonstrate exemplary proficiency in French, German, Italian, and/or Spanish through the mid-year point of their third year studying the language and culture. These students have maintained at least a 92 average in the language and a 3.8 overall (weighted) grade point average. In addition, they have demonstrated upstanding character, effort, and leadership during their years at High Point. Students are recognized at an induction ceremony in the spring and proudly wear an honor cord to their graduation ceremony. They assist other students with a tutoring program and participate in an annual fundraiser to support a scholarship which is awarded annually to a graduating senior who will pursue university level studies in language, culture, and/or international studies or business. 61 students were inducted in May 2011 bringing the 2011 membership to 118 students.

The High Point Garden Club beautifies the High Point grounds by planting and maintaining our many garden beds. Students and staff work together to plant and transplant flowers, weed, mulch, water, fertilize, trim, and clean up the beds in the fall. We also do a good amount of flower arranging and work with houseplants. This is a great opportunity for students and staff to learn about gardening while making their school a more beautiful place. Contact Mrs. Dori Martin if interested.
[email protected]

Interact is a Rotary International affiliate youth service club offering fun with peers and service to our community. Members are asked to promote humanitarian service and goodwill. Interact offers the opportunity to build leadership and social skills. The goals are set each year by the members. Some the the activities include: Activities Day for Children, Food Drive, Self Defense Class, Trick or Treating for Soldiers, Valentines and a clothing drive for Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

The National Honor Society was established by the National Association of Secondary School Principals to recognize high school students who excel in scholarship, leadership, service and character. The High Point Chapter provides this recognition for students at High Point Regional High School. A faculty council selects students for the honor. In order to assure that all students are given equal consideration, the following procedures are followed every year:
- Juniors and seniors are invited to pursue membership in the National Honor Society based on their cumulative, weighted grade point averages. Students must have and maintain a 4.0. GPA satisfies the scholarship criterion.
- Eligible students are then asked to provide information about their leadership and service activities. Recognizing that this is an honor bestowed by the high school, students should have at least 3 school-based activities and a minimum of 50 hours of community service. In particular, the committee is evaluating student activitiesthat take place outside of school hours.
- The entire faculty is asked to assess the character of the students on the eligible list.
- The faculty council meets to consider each candidate on the basis of the available information and to make the selections.
Students who are interested in the National Honor Society need to develop a solid record of school and community service starting in their freshman year.
The High Point Chapter is involved in several activities such as acting as guides for visitors to school functions, fund raising for charities, tutoring students, and sponsoring an annual blood drive. Students selected are expected to maintain the qualities required for membership during their high school careers. Students are recognized for this achievement in the yearbook, in the graduation program, and by wearing the distinctive blue and gold cord during the graduation

Information | Application

The students of High Point P.R.I.D.E. unite our school and students by forming a drug-free peer group. The purpose of this group is to UNITE High Point students in a DRUG-FREE environment, to increase public AWARENESS, to promote RESPONSIBILITY, foster LEADERSHIP and gain RESPECT throughout the school and county. They accomplish this through presenting a "no use" message at planned school events, cross age teaching programs (grades 2 and 8), and through planning and participating in social activities such as; Halloween Fright Fest, Laser Tag, Medieval Times, Dave and Busters/Palisades Mall trip.

"Pass It Along" is a community service organization begun by a local Sparta student following the 9/11 tragedy. The organization serves everyone from infants to the elderly both in and out of the county. The High Point chapter is one of the more active in the county participating in the annual Youth Conference, Christmas in Newark, and the county-wide Serve-a-thon in the spring. Run by Mrs. Christine Henry, the organization's meetings are few and as brief as possible, primarily for organizational purposes. There are numerous opportunities for community service hours as one can do as much or as little as one chooses. Anyone who is a HPRHS student is welcome to participate. Check out the "Pass It Along" website at,
Club Website

Peer Counseling is a program open to all junior and senior members of the High Point Regional High School community as well as staff and administration. By using the process of group dynamics and experiential learning the group members learn about human relationships, and seek to improve communication and leadership skills. Participants learn to reach out to others with respect for the individuality of self and others, with caring and compassion. Improved communication skills foster better relationships and contribute to a positive school environment and also extend to the various community service projects. Meetings are held monthly from 5:30-7:30p.m. where members enjoy the camaraderie of peers through games, large and small group dynamics as well as discussion of issues important to teenagers such as friendships, family relationships, self-esteem, prejudice, facing the future and cultural diversity. An over night Retreat is offered in February.
Club Website

SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) is a student driven organization. Students learn about alternatives to violence and practice what they learn through school and community service projects. As they participate in SAVE activities, students learn crime prevention and conflict management skills and virtues of good citizenship, civility and non-violence. This organization is open to all High Point students. Meetings are held on a monthly basis and many programs supporting anti-violence are planned.

The Student Council is the core of student activities and it is the student government that operates within the confines of a constitution. Membership in the Student Council consists of six executive officers, four class officers per grade, and student representatives. All are elected positions. The Council meets weekly and conducts homerooms for imparting of information. The Council is a service organization that carries out a number of large and small scale projects including: Homecoming activities, charity projects, assemblies, spirit week, and a variety of service activities. The Council is active on the county, state and national levels. Involvement includes county meetings and projects, state meetings and conferences. The Student Council has been recognized as one of the finest in the state, receiving numerous awards including: honor school awards, standards of excellence awards, and state charity awards. Nationally, the Student Council was selected a recipient of the Horatio Alger Award.
Club Website

Special Interest

BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) is a voluntary student-initiated group that meets weekly on Wednesday before school hours (at 7:00 a.m. in room 337) and is open to all interested High Point students. Meetings provide students with an opportunity to explore and share their Christian faith as they face the challenges of adolescence and high school life. In this informal and friendly environment, students may openly discuss issues of faith, personal concerns, and teachings of the Bible; pray together; sing; and apply what they are learning to achieve a healthy lifestyle in 21st century society.

The High Point Book Club is a student-driven club for students who love to read . Club members will set our itinerary for the year but will at the very least read one or two selections as a group and will review new books to the library. The club meets the 2nd Thursday of the month after school in the media center.

The Debate and Speech program focuses on students’ communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative skills by practicing for and participating in competitive debate and speech programs. Competition programs include original oratory, model congress, Lincoln-Douglas debate, and policy debate among other events. This team meets weekly to prepare for events.

The Environmental Club's goal is to educate ourselves and our community on local and global environmental issues so that we can effect positive change in our area. Learn. educate, and make a difference.
Club Newsletter

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), is a national organization which strives to keep the business community and school community working together. The High Point Chapter meets a month and meetings are 1/2 hour in length. Membership is attained by paying dues by October 15th of the current school year. Dues are usually around $10.00, and are paid only once. You also must be presently enrolled in a business course, or have completed a business course the previous year. The chapter takes a few business related field trips during the year, competes in business competitions on the regional, state, and national levels, and performs various community and school projects.

The Game Club is a social gathering club, open to all High Point Students, that focuses on peer interaction in a fun and collaborative setting. It is supervised by a faculty advisor and the club meets on a weekly basis. Students are encouraged to share their gaming passions with others in a variety of diverse genres throughout the year. Game Club specializes in classic, unique and video type games and takes full advantage of our computer lab through which club members will have a chance to share experiences in a LAN type environment. Staying current with updating technology, Game Club is striving to continually update access to new games and technology as well as next generation systems. Members will help define club activities through various events and tournaments as well as choose the direction of fund raisers and future purchases for the club.
Club Website

The Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is a national organization that advocates for academic and social equality based on sexual orientation. This organization has existed for decades educating, helping and uniting gay and straight citizens. Every gay and straight student has a right to a public education in an environment that is free from harassment, violence, name-calling and intimidation. All students deserve dignity and respect regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, nationality or ethnic origin. GSA strives to create a platform to teach tolerance and the unification of differences within a safe and comfortable environment.

Mock Trial is a year long activity that is open to all grade levels. The Mock Trial competes in NJ State Bar Foundation Mock Trial Competition. During this competition the team will be required to qualify for levels of competition by competing in county, state and, potentially, national contests. The team will compete in simulated trials against other schools. These trials are judged by attorneys and judges who determines the outcome of the competition. Students will be required to make a commitment to the team through most of the school year. During the year the team members will be involved in practice sessions, most of which take place in the evening, and, as the competition becomes closer the practice schedule can be intensive. The ultimate goal of the competition is to advance in the Mock Team Competitions that culminates with the state and national tournaments.

(Mathematics National Honor Society)
The mission of the High Point chapter of Mu Alpha Theta is to promote scholarship in and enjoyment and understanding of mathematics among high school students. The honor of membership in Mu Alpha Theta is extended to juniors and seniors who maintain at least a 3.75 overall grade point average and an overall mathematics weighted GPA of 4.2 Each year 2 teams of students participate in Moody’s Mega Math Challenge. Members also compete in Log1, and Rocket City Math League national mathematics contests with high schools across the nation. Members are also eligible to apply for many national scholarships awarded for excellence in mathematics. There are monthly meetings for students to work together to prepare for competitions and plan school activities to celebrate the joy of math!

The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is designed specifically for high school students in grades 9-12. This program inspires and recognizes students who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in art. The NAHS strives to aid members in attaining the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service.
Creative thinking is the core of 21st century learning. Sponsoring a chapter of the NAHS magnifies the innovation, skills, and scholarship that our art program brings to our school and community.

The goal of the Casting Crew, HPRHS’s Outdoor Recreation Club, is to foster appreciation and interest in participation in fishing as a recreational pursuit. We seek to link outdoor experiences to academic content and to connect students with local resources to pursue safe recreational opportunities. We offer a venue for students and community members to connect and to showcase their talents and interests. The Casting Crew meets monthly after school and will host several angling trips throughout the school year.

The Science National Honor Society was established by the to recognize high school students who excel in the Science. The High Point Chapter provides this recognition for students at High Point Regional High School. Membership for a student in the SNHS is conferred during the last two years of secondary school education. A student must have and maintain a 3.0 grade point average (4.0 scale) to be a member. In addition, the following qualifications must be met and maintained. A member must be enrolled in at least one honors or upper level science class during or prior to the eleventh grade year. A member must be enrolled in at least one second year honors or upper level science class during or prior to the twelfth grade year. A member must maintain a B+ average (3.5 on a 4.0 scale) across all science courses. The student must be an active member of a Science Club (Science Research Club, FTC, or NSA). A member must complete 10 hours of community service through the SNHS. This requirement is met by providing tutoring, assisting in Middle School Science Fairs, participating in the year long community service project (E-nable) or other service opportunities approved by the advisor.
Club Website

The Science Research Club (Waksman Student Scholars Program) is designed help high school students learn modern molecular genetics by having them engage in genuine scientific research projects. The research project focuses on the genomic sequence analysis of an organism and how the genes in this organism compare to other species. Students in the project will isolate and sequence genes from Landoltia punctata (duckweed plant). The sequences of these genes has never been determined before and this information will be deposited in the National Centers of Biotechnology Information database used by scientist worldwide. Students in the program will compare these sequences with genes from other eukaryotes to determine the evolutionary relationship of these organisms and the sequence conservation of specific genes. In the course of these studies, students, teachers, and research scientists work together, using the basic principles of molecular biology and genetic engineering to try to solve this research problem. By actually doing science, teachers and students gain an understanding of how science operates.
Club Website

The Technology Student Association (TSA) is an organization for technology education students who believe in a technologically literate society and are willing to work cooperatively with others to address and solve real world problems. Our TSA chapter meets 5-6 times per year, participates in fund-raising activities, and generally competes on the state and national level in a variety of problem solving challenges. All technology education students in grades 9-12 are welcome to join.
Club Website

The Weight Training Club is open to all High Point Students. It is supervised by a faculty advisor who assists students in correct training techniques. Students who intend to participate must have a physical and complete a parental permission form.

The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. Through practice, this union occurs between the mind, body and spirit. Many think that yoga is just stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. It is also a proven stress-reducer and helps us gain more control over our own physical and mental well-being. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. Yoga classes are open to all High Point students and staff members. There is no obligation. Classes are volunteer-led by Ms. Erin Meyers, certified yoga practitioner. All levels of fitness and experience are welcome to attend. Hour-long classes meet once a week in room 109. Students are asked to wear comfortable clothing, and bring a yoga mat and an open mind. All are required to complete a health form specific to yoga practice and notify the instructor of any health issues.

updated 9/12/22 
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