Health Related Closing - Information Center

September 26, 2022: Safe Return to School & Remote Instruction Plans (updated 6/29/23)
September 14, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - COVID Update
August 16, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - 2022 Opening Letter (updated 9/7/22)
May 16, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - COVID Case Update
March 1, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - COVID Protocols Update
February 8, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - COVID Update: Governor Mask Mandate
January 13, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - COVID Update
January 6, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - UPDATE: COVID Test-to-Stay & Exclusion Protocols Effective 1/10/22
January 2, 2022: Letter from the Superintendent - UPDATE: COVID Protocols - Return to School on 1/4/22
December 30, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Updated CDC Guidelines/Test-To-Stay Protocol
December 23, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Test-to-Stay Protocol
December 17, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - NJDOH Update
December 10, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - COVID Update
December 6, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
December 2, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Virtual Plan Approval
November 29, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
November 16, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Presumed COVID Cases
November 12, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
October 5, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
September 28, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
September 23, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
September 14, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
September 8, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
August 27, 2021: Health & Safety Protocols; Assessments Update
August 25, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
August 13, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Health and Safety Protocols for Opening of School
June 23, 2021: Safe Return to School Plan 2021 (updated 12/30/21)
May 21, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
May 6, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
April 19, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
April 13, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
April 9, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 30, 2021: Notification of Virtual Learning April 1
March 30, 2021: Community Spring Break Letter
March 29, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 25, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 24, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 21, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 18, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 15, 2021: Letter to HP Community - Implementation of Full-Day Schedule
March 15, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
March 10, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 8, 2021: High Point Closure Due to COVID
March 8, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
March 5, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
March 4, 2021: One Year COVID Communication
March 3, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
March 1, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
February 25, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
February 25, 2021: Full Day Letter - Scheduling Requests Survey
February 23, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
February 22, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
February 20, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
February 8, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
February 5, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
January 28, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
January 26, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
January 25, 2021: Letter to Parents - Survey Scheduling Requests
January 25, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
January 21, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
January 15, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
January 15, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
January 11, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
January 7, 2021: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Cases
January 3, 2021: Virtual Instruction Mandated for January 4-5
December 22, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
December 17, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Suspected COVID Case
December 16, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
December 11, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
December 8, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
December 4, 2020: Update on In-Person Learning
December 4, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
December 3, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
December 1, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
November 24, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
November 21, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Full-Time Remote Instruction
November 20, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
November 19, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
November 17, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - High Point COVID-19 Update (Nov 17)
November 11, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
November 7, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Positive COVID Case
September 24, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Campus Closure
September 22, 2020: Letter from the Superintendent - Campus Closure
September 22, 2020: Update COVID-19 Letter to Community - Protocols
August 20, 2020: Details of Remote Learning

July 28, 2020: HPRHS Reopening Plan for the 2020-21 School Year (updated 1/26/21)
July 24, 2020: CDC Coronavirus School Information
July 24, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - COVID 19 Health, Safety, and Travel Advisory Information
July 7, 2020: COVID-19 Return to Sports Guidelines
July 6, 2020: Reopening Task Force Zoom Meeting - Monday July 6, 2020

June 10, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - School Reopening Update
June 3, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - Hope For Our Tomorrow
June 2, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - Graduation Ceremony Update
May 20, 2020: Health Related Closure Plan (updated 6/11/20)
May 18, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - Graduation Clarification
May 14, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - Virtual Graduation
May 14, 2020: Using Cloth Face Coverings - English | Spanish
May 14, 2020: Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 - English | Spanish
April 30, 2020: Food Services May 4-15
April 17, 2020: Governor Murphy Extends School Closure
April 9, 2020: Information from Mr. Tallamy
April 9, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - Extension of School Closure
April 9, 2020: Academic Updates (updated 4/29/20)
April 2, 2020: Mrs. Whelan's Resource Page
March 31, 2020: Hanging at Home - Online Learning Resources
March 31, 2020: Distance Learning for Parents
March 31, 2020: Prom 2020 Letter
March 31, 2020: Sussex County Food Pantry Alert
March 31, 2020: Sussex County Human Services Alert
March 31, 2020: Sussex County Human Services Resource Guide
March 27, 2020: Food Services March 30-April 9
March 27, 2020: Mental Health & Substance Resources (Site 120)
March 27, 2020: Commissioner's Memo on Continued School Closures
March 25, 2020: Ms. Imhof's Resource Page
March 23, 2020: Letter from Dr. Ripley - Extension of School Closure
March 21, 2020: A Video Message to our Students from Dr. Ripley

March 20, 2020: Food Services Week of March 23-27
March 17, 2020: Perona Farms Food Donation
March 15, 2020: All New Jersey Schools Likely will be Ordered Monday to Close Because of Coronavirus, Governor Says -
March 14, 2020: Letter to Parents, Student & Community to Close School 3/14/20
March 14, 2020: Spring Recess Update
March 14, 2020: Rotation Calendar (updated 3/14/20)
March 13, 2020: Livestream - Administrative Announcement
March 13, 2020: Outside Group Activities Cancelled
March 12, 2020: COVID-19 Preparedness - Students (updated 3/15/20)
March 12, 2020: SATs at High Point Cancelled
March 11, 2020: HPRHS Health Related Preparedness Plan (updated 6/11/20)
March 9, 2020: Early Dismissal on Tuesday, March 10
March 6, 2020: COVID-19 General Information

updated 6/29/23 

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